Economic, ecological, social

Our corporate culture is marked by positive thinking, by an open and action-oriented leadership style and by a “we feeling” that binds us to everyone involved in the company. It is on this basis that we take forward-looking corporate decisions and promote economic practices which should not jeopardize the needs of future generations. Our sustainability strategy goes hand-in-hand with our overall business strategy and is built on the following five areas:

Download des aktuellen Nachhaltigkeitsberichts 2020 (german version) 

1. Agriculture and regionality

We commit ourselves to a sustainable agriculture, in that we support regional farmers, maintain partnerships and promote organic agriculture. The identification with agriculture, our origins and the associated “down-to-earth” thinking are important characteristics of our family business to which we are committed.

2. Quality and flexibility

The achievement of a high degree of customer satisfaction is of great importance to us. For this reason, we take responsibility for the safety of our products and respond to the wishes of our customers with openness. We want to constantly improve our quality and create a competitive advantage through flexibility and individual customer orientation. It is our goal to be successful together with our customers.

3. Resources and climate protection

Nature plays a great role for us. We see ourselves as a part of nature and want to be in harmony with it, in order to operate successfully in the long-term and to protect the lives of future generations. We are meeting the challenge of counteracting production growth with innovative measures and are actively involved in the energy transition. Targeted investments in the area of renewable energy, combined with recourse efficiency and climate protection, therefore represent an important corporate goal.

4. Employees

The workforce is for us the heart of the company, which contributes a major part of the company’s success. We take responsibility for our actions, which are characterized by self-respect and flexibility. Flat hierarchies and flexible structures provide our employees with scope for self-realization, equal opportunities and a harmonious co-existence.

5. Social commitment

As a company, we want to make a contribution to our society: secure employment, social equality and environmental protection. In doing this, our aim is to promote sustainable economic practices. As we bear a high level of responsibility for our employees, our location and our environment, we speak out against any form of personal advantage-taking and granting, as well as bribery and corruption, and commit ourselves to observance of the social standards in accordance with the “Business Social Compliance Initiative” (BSCI).

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